Friday, March 14, 2008

Isanti County News: Cambridge man (Lawyer Mark W. Benjamine) invites state to debate smoking ban

See very good article at link.

What is notable is comment posted by Executive Director Tavern League of Minnesota : kenn rock I'll paste it below:

Executive Director Tavern League of Minnesota : kennrock
Paul and J must not frequent taverns and bars very often. If they did they would know what everyone in the industry knew prior to this ban being passed. The ban doesn't harm every establishment but it severely harms establishments that are heavily dependent on the sale of adult beverages and pull tabs. Smoking bans have caused the loss of up to 65% of sales in some locations and the Freedom to Breathe Act has done the same. Thousands of employees, owners, suppliers, and related entities are suffering or losing everything they have worked for. How do Paul and J explain that where ever bars have put on Theatre Productions, their business has soared. Do they think the economy suddenly improved for that evening. If going smokefree was the answer for everyone than those places that went smokefree voluntarily would have cornered the business. I have spoken with, written, emailed, and been at meetings with hundreds of employees, owners, and suppliers, whose lives have been shattered since October 1st, and that is a small percentage of the establishments in Minnesota. With regard to Wisconsin establishments, many of them close to Minnesota have been gearing up and adding shifts at the same time as their Minnesota competitors are cutting staff and hours. If Paul and J spoke with Beer wholesalers about what has happened to same store beer sales since the ban went in they would hear the same results. If they don't allow some exemptions for businesses in the hospitality industry in Minnesota, the loss of jobs is going to be greater than the St Paul Ford Plant closing and the NW Air/Delta Air Merger combined.
March 13, 2008

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