Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Revised 10-19-08 posting, intended posting.

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 1:01 AM
Subject: Fw: Theater Night Update 9-19-08

Hello Everyone -

Our elected officials are something aren't they! In this update are a couple things that our elected officials have been up to....not very NICE things I might add. St. Paul City Councilman David Thune has a nasty mouth when it comes to his constitiuents. Sheldon Johnson (incumbent) is running against David Carlson in district 67B (East side of St. Paul), and has been up to some nasty tricks. I have attached the police report Dave filed, along with evidence of letters/e-mails sent to David Carlson. I have also heard that Sheldon Johnson is working out of his capital office for his campaign...I thought that was illegal? Well, I might just have to follow up on that for my parents....they are in his district. I'll let you know what I find out.

St. Paul city councilman sends profane email from city account

A profanity laced email from a St. Paul city councilman is leading to calls for his resignation.
St. Paul businessman, Mike Costello said he got upset last week when he saw City Councilman David Thune protesting at the Republican National Convention.
"I sent him an email saying how disgusted I was and that I thought he was a disgrace to the city and I asked him for his resignation. I said you should resign," said Costello.
Thune responded with an email that said "[expletive] you little [expletive]".
5 EYEWITNESS NEWS obtained a copy of the profanity-filled email which shows it was sent from Thune's official city council email address.
When asked if that was a respectful way to deal with a citizen of St. Paul Thune said, "It is a respectful way to deal with someone of the low class that he is."
"It was vulgar. It was crude and it was sent from his city desk," said Costello.
Thune told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS he stands behind his four-letter words, even though he said he never really meant to sent the email.
"I was shocked. I can't believe he sent it," said Costello.
City officials said there is little that can be done to punish and elected official such as Thune for using city property to verbally attack a citizen.
5 EYEWITNESS NEWS asked Mayor Coleman's office what he thinks of the situation. They issued no comment.
Costello said he has filed a formal complaint with the city.
If you prefer to watch & listen to the KSTP video, click the link below.


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