Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bob Popal Nighttimes Magazine: This is what I sent to the legislators on the comittee.

Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:52 PM
Subject: This is what I sent to the legislators on the committee.
Hello all!

I would like to take this opportunity to write to you all about my feelings surrounding the debate of whether to repeal or modify the smoking ban that was enacted last Oct 1st. Being the sales manager of an entertainment magazine here in the Twin Cities, I have seen our ad revenue plummet due mostly to the smoking ban. I have seen many bars close, people out of work because bar owners cutting staff down due to the lack of "smoking" customers in their establishments. I don't think most of the legislature really thought of the trickle down effect this ban has had to the economy of not only bar owners & employees, but to the liquor and beer vendors, food suppliers, charitable gambling, advertisers, and the biggest one of all, THE STATE! I bet when you look at the lack of revenue the state has lost since the ban went into effect, you really wonder if this was the right move. Well, it wasn't. All I ask everyone of you to do is to really look at the numbers compared to last year and you certainly will be amazed. This country was based on freedoms. We are all free to come and go from establishments. If we don't like the establishment, we leave. I know personally a lot of bars that still will not have smoking in their bars even if the ban was lifted. I think that's called freedom of choice. The original bill that was introduced had a provision that if there were patrons under 18 in restaurants, they have to be non-smoking. That's ok!! But adults do have choices also. If they don't like smoke, don't go to that establishment. Go to the non-smoking one. As it's been said,"The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few". Please consider that when you get together!

Thanks!!Bob PobulNiteTimes Magazine

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