Monday, March 24, 2008

email from Sabins Bar. One of our "heros".

My comments. Let's take some pages from the "lefty protester playbook". and post information in your bar or write to newspaper even if you don't want to risk a "bar smoking" night. A secret I have been holding back. Besides my other website is I have been following the "Symbionese Liberation Army" beat since the June 1999 arrest of Kathleen Ann Soliah/Sara Jane Olson. I wouldn't mention this except for the totally bizzarre parole then return to prison of Soliah/Olson (that make the which kept me busy this weekend and derilict in my duties with (All voluntary, no pay, but I believe in your cause. So far my only cost is $7.20 for the domain name Even if you don't want to risk a smoking theater inform police, the media, patrons and public that I started the "anti-Soliah efforts. Use your bar as a political forum for this. It's getting warm so if you want to take it outside and stay "legal" encourage and do it. We need areason to get people back to bars so why not protest (I tend to be conservative but I met a lot of women at protests ) If I ever get caught up on this I on the domain name and would be glad to put it to us

Those cases were considered "unprosicutable." We achieved convictions. It many brave people who picked up the case who resulting in the convictions but I started the ball rolling. Tell this to police you encounter and also tell these same polic that the same person is behind Ask them and their customers to disseminate this information. It's time to "ramp it up". I don't care for my sake, it's just tha the potential release of Soliah/Olson showed that that sore still "festers" and I have nothing to hide. Here is a diggers page I made for

From: Sheila Kromer
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 8:16 PM
Subject: Can we Post: How Ironic

----- Original Message -----
From: Terry Horridge
To: Sheila Kromer
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 7:39 PM
Subject: How Ironic

We couldn't help but notice when we paid our sales tax today, that in our Internet drop down menu the website was at the top, and the was pretty close to the bottom. We like whats happening here, and are glad to be a part of it. We will support theater nights 100%, ticket or no ticket. We posted the FreedomToAct website in our front window (the biggest one in town) five times with neon pink paper. To quote Mr. Mark Benjamin "Brave People are Free People". We also made copies of Marks response to our theater night threats, and posted them around the bar so our patrons know he is behind them too. Keep up the good work. Fyi, the police have not come back to our bar. We hope this is encouraging to everyone else that has been threatened.

Mike and Terri Horridge
Sabins Bar
2 W. Lake St.
Chisholm, MN 55719
218 254-2318

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