Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Theater Nite Update 10-7-08

Hello Everyone -
A couple of things of interest. Posted on Greg's www.freedomtoact.com website is the article that came out in the Pioneer press last Monday. I could not resist responding with a letter to the editor.....and they actually printed it or at least part of it. They must of felt the need to edit. The portion of the letter in bold was edited out. Perhaps they thought my 40,000 number was wrong....however I doubled checked and it is accurate. Starting this month we also have a full page ad in NiteTimes magazine....pick one up at your local watering hole! Below is also some pictures from the Conservative Issues Fair....it was a great success! Greg has also posted some articles on the website www.freedomtoact.com , make sure you visit.
Letter to the Editor (Pioneer Press)

Well, it is abundantly clear that Clearway has not changed. They are still up to their deceitful tactics as can be seen in their latest survey. Perhaps quite different results would have been obtained if their survey question was phrased as, “Do you favor or oppose the state wide smoking ban in bars & private clubs?”  But of course, Clearway would never be so direct for fear of the survey’s results.

According to this same article, Sen Sheran said the law has been a success, however, she forgot to mention how successful it was in decreasing charitable gambling revenues and putting small business owners out of business. If our esteemed legislature continues down this path, we can look forward to them creating 80,000 new government jobs this next legislative session instead of the 40,000 government jobs they created this last session. By the way, did I mention who pays the salaries of these government jobs? Here’s a hint taxpayers…it’s not Santa Claus.

Philip Morris and Walgreens File Suit Over San Francisco's Ban on Tobacco Sales at Pharmacies - seewww.freedomtoact.com for full article
Conservative Issue's Fair

You are invited to view gertk5's photo album: Conservative Issues Fair
Conservative Issues Fair
Sep 20, 2008
by gertk5
Message from gertk5:
Here are the pictures from today. Let me know if you want to download any of them and don't know how to do that.

Sheila--Let me know which picture you like best for our website. I have one in mind, I want to see if it's the same one you choose. 

Thanks to both of you for everything you did to help with this! I think it was a sucess!!
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