Friday, April 4, 2008

Singer Joe Jackson "Smoke lies and the nanny state".

If I got it right there is a link to Joe Jackson classic hit song video "Into the Night" on Great song, I encourage you to watch the music video so you can get a good association with "Joe Jackson". If in a hurry click on the Utube video and enjoy the song while Reading this.

A loyal reader sent me in the link to Joe Jackson. Thank You. The extra "eyes and ears" help to find things. Confidentiality assured. If you want to be acknowledged via initial or "nickname" state it in the email. You can send me email from the link at

As for the concept of musicians being "social reformers" this has a "This is Spinal Tap" flavor in the west (usually for good reason!) but it is totally different in Eastern Europe. Under communism the state controlled the media but they allowed live gatherings by clergy and entertainers. Thus, lacking our free speech/free press it was up to clergy and entertainers to get the word out. (As they say "nature hates a vacuum.) this explains the popularity of the late pope John Paul and the fact that (yes the thought is scary here) rock musicians have become the leaders of countries in post communism Eastern Europe. They seem to be doing a good job as far as I can tell. I've been in contact with top government officials of Eastern Europe because I lived in "Dinkeytown" for 12 years, Bob Dylan owned property there so I came to (very) casually know Dylan. Bob Dylan music style was low cost, low tech which suited the anti-communist balladeers of Eastern Europe. I can't offer much insight into Bob Dylan besides that he seemed to be a nice regular guy when he was with me and he would spring for lunch when he was in Dinkeytown with his mother (who loved the old Dinkeytown "Mama D's" restaurant.

Anyway, Joe Jackson wrote a good 20 page "booklet" on smoking issues that I read. I could "nitpick" on a few specifics but it seems "in the ballpark" with my beliefs. I strongly encourage you to read it if you have time. It contains reference to my favorite, the "Framinghan Study". Obviously Joe Jackson has done his "homework". I strongly encourage you to read it. Greg Lang

U tube (if this works).

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